Jacques Kedochim, crossing worlds


In a unique balance of appearances and disappearances, Jacques Kedochim paints the city and its mysteries, its shimmering shop windows, passers-by questioning their desires, solitude.


Between the real and the unreal, Jacques Kedochim's urban universes prompt a disturbing feeling of déjà-vu; the sensation of having already lived the situation depicted. Pedestrian crossings, bay windows, street lamps... Like the memory of a previous life, we seem to recognise everything in this landscape reconstituted by superimposed filters where moving silhouettes become ghostly, where the known becomes unknown.


A poetic and dreamlike vision of the city appears. In this free space, we are hypnotised into experiencing an unusual urban journey that is being reconstructed. The setting is warm, but it is the growing individuality that is emphasised.

"The city is the place where human loneliness is most apparent and yet most often ignored. Passers-by, confident they are not being observed, parade through the richly lit districts where coveted objects and often derisory desires are displayed."


The painter works his compositions by superimposing planes around a focal point, often a character. Then he inserts colour, balances the coloured masses, adds, removes and replaces visual elements. The motif, the flat tints of colour grapple with figuration and the clear line. The layers accumulate, combine and intertwine to form a unique assemblage. The artist delves into the buried meaning towards memory havens where reality rubs shoulders with approximation, and deconstruction with representation. 


At the corner of a street, he vertiginously immerses us in the heart of his own unconscious.

"Through the superimposition of visual fields, I try to illustrate the fact that we cannot take in, in a single glance, the full scope of what is communicated to us and that it is necessary to change focus to perceive a more hidden part."

He uses reflection, transparency, the mirror effect and image fragmentation to support his intent.


The artist questions the uncertainty of being, the loss and the rediscovery of oneself. 


His exterior settings are the images of a world he carries within him.


It is all a question of framing, of finding a balance between forms and colours, between gestures and signs, between light and darkness.  

 "Light needs shadow to exist (...) that is why this moment of the day when the light decreases to let the shadow settle seems to be the most favourable to convey my intentions. "

During this specific luminosity - at dusk - the realm of the imaginary seamlessly embraces revelation.

Jacques Kedochim's works are contemporary impressions glimpsing upon erasure, appearance and vibration. From the upper to the lower layers, several worlds are crossed to a new dimension.


Canoline Critiks. 





Jacques Kédochim, contemporary French painter begins its artistic training at the « Atelier de la vigne » in the prestigious portraiture school or Etampes direct by Philippe Lejeune.


He then joined the Academy of Port-Royal (formerly Julian Academy) where after four years of training he won the Grand Prix.


Jacques Kédochim is member of the prestigious institutions mentioned below :

-The Taylor Foundation, 

-The salon des Artistes Français 

-The salon d’automne. 

And part of the « Figurative Destructuralisme » international mouvement.





2015 -Grand prix Port-Royal awarded by the Académie de Port Royal (ex Académie Julian)

2015 -Grand Prix Conti awarded by the salon de l'Isle Adam

2016 -Prix Dagnan-Bouveret awarded by the 'Académie des Beaux-Arts de Paris

2016 -Prix de peinture awarded by the Salon de printemps de Dourdan 

2020 -Grand prix de peinture awarded by the Salon Versaillais des Artistes d'Ile de France

2023 -Grand Prix de la ville de Saint-Maurice awarded by the Salon de Saint Maurice

2024- Artist Selected by the Académie Jacques Boitiat to participate to the 58e Grand prix de Barbizon.




2023 - Galerie Le Pavé d'Orsay, Paris - Exposition "Impressions contemporaines"

2023 - L Galerie, Paris - Exposition "La traversée des mondes"

2021 - Galerie Ysatis, Paris - Exposition "Rumeurs citadines"

2020 - Galerie Ysatis, Paris - Exposition "Reflets de Paris"

2018 - Galerie d'Art Pascal Frémont, Le Havre - Exposition "Univers urbains"

2017 - Espace Culturel Nelly Rothmann, Créteil - Exposition "Reflets urbains"

2016 - Galerie Lehalle, Paris - Exposition "Lauréat du Grand Prix Port-Royal"





2024 - Selected to participate to the Grand Prix de Barbizon par l’Académie J. Boitiat

2024 - 46e Salon d’Art Formes et couleurs- Collégiale de Chartres

2024 - Salon Artcité -Fontenay sous bois

2024 - Salon Art Mat Le Raincy-Villemonble.

2023 - Salon de Saint-Maurice

2023 - Salon Arts et Partages de Rambouillet

2022 - DF Art Project - Salon du "Destructuralisme Figuratif" - Parc Floral de Paris.

2021 - Salon d'Automne - Champs Elysées, Paris.

2021 - Salon Versaillais des Artistes d'Ile de France - Carré à la Farine de Versailles.

2020 - Salon Versaillais des Artistes d'Ile de France - Carré à la Farine de Versailles.

2017 - Salon d'Automne - Champs Elysées, Paris.

2017 - Salon des Artistes Français, Art Capital - Grand Palais, Paris.

2016 - Salon d'Automne - Champs Elysées, Paris.

2016 - Salon des Artistes Français, Art Capital - Grand Palais, Paris.

2015 - Salon d'Automne - Champs Elysées, Paris.

2015 - Salon des Artistes Français, Art Capital - Grand Palais, Paris.

2015 - Salon de printemps de Dourdan.

2015 - Salon Artistique de l'Isle Adam.

2015 - Grand Marché de l'Art Contemporain de Chatou

2014 - Biennale des Peintres d'Etampes - Carré à la Farine de Versailles.

2014 - Salon d'Automne, Champs Elysées, Paris.

2014 - Salon des Artistes Français, Art Capital, Grand Palais, Paris.

2013 - Salon d'Automne, Champs Elysées, Paris.

2013 - Salon des Artistes Français, Art Capital, Grand Palais, Paris.

2013 - Salon La Sévrienne des Arts, Sèvres.

For any request about reproduction rights please contact ADAGP (Society for defense of Authors in the Graphic and Plastic Arts)




Artist selected by the Académie Jacques BOITIAT to participate to the 58e Grand Prix de BARBIZON, Saturday the 12th of octobre 2024, 11h30


du 19 septembre au 19 octobre

Met me at ARTCITE - Maison du citoyen - 16 rue du Révérend Père Lucien Aubry - Fontenay sous bois. Open monday to friday from 10 to 20 PM an saturday untel 16h30